Vandals cut graffitti into lawn of Massillon church

By Charita Goshay staff writer
Posted May 11, 2009 @ 07:32 PM
Last update May 11, 2009 @ 07:40 PM


Members of St. George Greek Orthodox Church were shocked to find someone had cut a large pentagram into a one-acre plot adjacent their church.

The Very Rev. Constantine Valantasis, pastor, said his parish’s plans for a community garden there will not be derailed by the weekend vandalism that has desecrated the space.

Members discovered the pentagram following Saturday evening worship services at 364 First St. SE.

“Initially, I was disappointed,” said Valantasis, pastor at St. George since 2005. “However this was intended, it’s a satanic symbol.”

“I couldn’t believe it,” longtime church secretary Elizabeth Schrock said. “We’ve had this land for a very long time.”

The encircled pentagram appears to have been created by someone using a reel mower, which is quieter than its gas-powered counterpart.

Undaunted, Valantasis said the ground at the southeast corner of Albright Avenue and South Street SE will be broken for the garden at 6 p.m. Thursday following a “Blessing of the Ground.”

“It’s sort of a spiritual cleansing,” said Valantasis, who will be assisted by other area Orthodox clergymen.

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