Police Say Hataway Interested In 'Dark Arts'
Person Of Interest In Ocasio Disappearance Interested In Cannibalism, Vampires, Murder
POSTED: 3:27 pm EDT June 18, 2009
UPDATED: 12:40 am EDT June 19, 2009OCOEE, Fla. -- Police said they learned on Thursday that the only person of interest in the case of missing woman Tracy Ocasio has expressed interest in things like serial murders, vampires and cannibalism.
Ocasio's parents said the news was very eerie. They said they believe that the morethings that are found out about James Hataway when he lived in a nearby house with his father, the more clues detectives have as to what may have happened to their daughter.
Ocasio's mother, Elizabeth, reacted to what detectives found in the Ocoee home where Hataway lived with his father."Who wants to think about what happened to their child, really," Elizabeth Ocasio said.Ocoee detectives seized two computers from the house and stacks of CDs. Police said Hataway has extensive interest in murder, suicide, cannibalism, vampires and serial killers.Investigators also removed items having to do with the dark arts -- generally associated with Satanism and witchcraft.
"He presents himself one way, but that's not him," Elizabeth Ocasio said.
Detectives said they will be going back and looking at all of the Web sites Hataway visited to see if they provide any clues to Tracy Ocasio's disappearance.One of Hataway's old friends told WESH 2 News that he was known for telling people that he would "make them disappear."
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