Вейовис, также известный как Рой Гутфински (Roy C. Gutfinski Jr.) - сатанист и самопровозглашенный "вампир", связанный с байкерским клубом "Ангелы Ада", который давно фигурирует в официальных документах полиции США и ФБР как "мото-банда" и "криминальный синдикат". В сентябре этого года Вейовис и еще двое человек, включая одного "Ангела", были арестованы в американском штате Массачусетс по подозрению в тройном убийстве - при этом один из убитых должен был давать свидетельские показания против байкера на грядущем судебном процессе, и, как предполагается, был убит именно в связи с этим.
Caius Veiovis, suspect in reputed Hell's Angels triple homicide in Pittsfield, arrested previously for assault, drinking victim's blood
Published: Monday, September 12, 2011, 8:45 PM Updated: Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 7:22 AM
By Patrick Johnson, The Republican
Long before associating with the Hell’s Angels, Caius Veiovis was already said to be a worshiper of Satan.
Veiovis, 31, along with Adam Hall, 34, both of Pittsfield, and David Chalue, 44, of Springfield, were arrested over the weekend and charged with the kidnapping and murder of three Pittsfield men: David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell.The three men had been missing for nearly two weeks, and their bodies were discovered in a trench at an undisclosed location Saturday, according to Berkshire District Attorney David F. Capeless.
Hall, Chalue and Veiovis were charged with three counts each of murder, kidnapping and intimidating a witness.
Police believe Hall, Chalue and Veiovis killed the three men to prevent Glasser from testifying in an upcoming trial against Hall, a ranking member of the Berkshire County chapter of the Hell's Angels. The organization's clubhouse is in Lee, just south of the Lenox town line.
Veiovis, Hall and Chalue denied all charges at their arraignments Monday in Central Berkshire District Court in Pittsfield. Each was denied the right to bail and is being held pending their trial.
The degree of intrigue surrounding the disappearance of Glasser, Frampton and Chadwell, and the possible involvement of the Hell’s Angels, made interest in the story high.
But it was the news of the arrests and release of the booking photos, particularly the one of Veiovis with his facial tattoos, multiple piercings and "Star Trek" forehead, that sent the interest level into orbit.
Capeless said Veiovis is also known as Roy C. Gutfinski Jr.
And it was as Gutfinski that he gained notoriety in Augusta, Maine, in 1999 when he and his girlfriend were put on trial for assaulting a teenage girl in a motel room as part of a ritualistic blood-drinking ceremony.
According to accounts of the trial, a 16-year-old girl testified that Gutfinski and his girlfriend at the time, 17-year-old Deanne Jones, brought her to a hotel room, and Jones used a razor to slice a 7-inch gash in her back.
She testified that Jones and Gutfinski then drank her blood while they kissed each other.
Police were notified when the girl later showed up at a hospital emergency room for treatment. The gash required more than 30 stitches to close.
During Gutfinski's trial, the prosecution described the then-19-year-old as a practitioner of the Goth lifestyle who practiced self-mutilation.
Prosecutors told the jury that Gutfinski considered himself a worshiper of Satan, and told police that he was a vampire who drank blood -- both his own blood and that of others.
Gutfinski and Jones were both convicted of elevated aggravated assault, aggravated assault and reckless conduct.
Gutfinski was sentenced to 10 years in jail in 2000, with all but three years of the sentence suspended. He was also given four years probation.
Gutfinski was charged with violating probation in 2006 when he and another man were arrested in New Bedford and charged with kidnapping and drug possession, after holding two strippers from a local nightclub against their will in a hotel room.
The kidnapping charges were eventually dropped, but Gutfinski was re-incarcerated in Maine on the probation violation charge.
It is not clear when he was released, or started calling himself Caius Veiovis.
In Roman mythology, Veiovis is the lesser-known god of the underworld.
Caius is the name of a character in the “Twilight” series who is a vampire.
It is also not clear when Gutfinski acquired the subdermal implants or the tattoos on his face, including "666," the sign of the devil, on his forehead.
Вейовис отреагировал на упоминания о себе в СМИ письмом в местную газету, в котором выражал возмущение тем, что его оболгали. Нет, речь шла вовсе не о том, что он-де не участвовал в приписываемых ему убийствах - Вейовис негодовал, что кому-то пришло в голову связать его имя с сериалом "Сумерки", явлением ненавистной для него поп-культуры. Заодно в том же письме Вейовис разъяснял, что первое из взятых им имен - "Гай" - является посвящением императору Калигуле, "фамилия" же - позаимствована у этрускского демона.
Вейовис отреагировал на упоминания о себе в СМИ письмом в местную газету, в котором выражал возмущение тем, что его оболгали. Нет, речь шла вовсе не о том, что он-де не участвовал в приписываемых ему убийствах - Вейовис негодовал, что кому-то пришло в голову связать его имя с сериалом "Сумерки", явлением ненавистной для него поп-культуры. Заодно в том же письме Вейовис разъяснял, что первое из взятых им имен - "Гай" - является посвящением императору Калигуле, "фамилия" же - позаимствована у этрускского демона.
Pittsfield triple-slaying suspect Caius Veiovis writes of disdain for 'Twilight' franchise - and media's reporting skills - in jailhouse letter
Published: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 12:18 PM Updated: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 5:33 PM
By George Graham, The Republican
PITTSFIELD – Triple-slaying suspect Caius Veiovis wants the world to know that he is not speaking with a forked tongue when it comes to expressing his disdain for the Twilight movie and book franchise.
“Pop culture inspires me to vomit hot blood,” wrote Veiovis in a jailhouse letter sent to the Berkshire Eagle.
The 31-year-old Pittsfield resident, along with Adam Lee Hall, 34, of Peru, and former Springfield resident David Chalue, 44, are charged with abducting and killing three men whose bodies were recovered from a trench in Becket on Sept.10.
Pittsfield residents David Glasser, 44, Edward Frampton, 58, and Robert Chadwell, 47, were last seen on Aug. 28. in an apartment shared by Glasser and Frampton.
Veiovis, who started life as Roy C. Gutfinski, chides the media for reporting that his adopted name comes from a character in the vampire-based romances which has inflamed the passions of legions of mostly young and mostly female fans.
“I have never seen this silly movie, nor have I read the books, nor would I ever — even now — waste my time with such useless drivel,” wrote Veiovis in a florid, almost unreadable, script.
The suspect, who really does have a forked tongue, also sports sharpened teeth and “666” inked onto his forehead. In his booking photo, Veiovis had what appeared to be a pair of horns or tusks protruding from his nostrils.
The letter, signed Caius Domitius Veiovis, underscored by an upside-down cross and “666,” was received by the Berkshire Eagle on Monday.
“My first and middle chosen names were inspired and taken from the great Roman emperors Caligula and Nero, my last — from an ancient Etruscan daemon,” wote Veiovis.
The suspect was convicted of aggravated assault and other charges in a Maine courtroom over a decade ago in a case that involved the ritualistic drinking of a 16-year-old girl’s blood.
Veiovis closes the body of his letter with a reprimand guaranteed to strike fear in any reporters heart. “Anyone who knows me should have told you this — I suggest you check your sources,” he wrote.
A postscript, however, sheds the blood and brimstone and injects a note of remorse.
“P.S. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families involved in this tragic case,” Veiovis wrote. “The deceased are not the only victims here.”
Police allege that Hall, a sergeant at arms with the local Hells Angels branch, plotted to kill Glasser to prevent him from testifying against him in another case. Police said they believe Frampton and Chadwell were killed because they were present when Glasser was taken.
All three suspects have denied the charges against them and are being held without right to bail.
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