Йоханнесбург, 10 ноября 2011 г.
Предполагается, что две девушки-подростка, отправившиеся погулять октябрьским вечером в южном Йоханнесбурге, стали жертвами сатанистов, пытавшихся сжечь их заживо.
«Дьявол не победил. Мерзавцы не победили. Свиньи не выиграли», – повторял один из родственников на отпевании восемнадцатилетней Кирсти Теолого, как может показаться, слишком эмоционально выражая свою скорбь, однако многие из собравшихся в греческой православной церкви св. Василия в округе Экурхулени, провинция Гатуенг ЮАР, согласно кивали ему в ответ: «Аминь».
Кирсти и ее подругу, шестнадцатилетнюю Бронвину Граммер, связали, облили бензином и подожгли в парке в южном Йоханнесбурге, – как предполагается, для сатанинского ритуала: они обе были предназначены для человеческого жертвоприношения.
Девочки не имели отношения к секте. «Я уверена, что Кирсти и понятия не имела, куда идет со своими знакомыми», – сказала мать погибшей Сильвия Теолого, слова которой приводит News.iafrica.com.
У Кирсти было обожжено 75% тела. Она скончалась в больнице, ее подруга жива, но по-прежнему находится в госпитале. Пять человек, которых обвиняют в убийстве и покушении на убийство, скоро предстанут перед судом.
На прошлой неделе самым странным образом в течение дня погибли пять собак, принадлежавших семье Теолого, – об этом писали все местные газеты. Предполагается, что собаки Кирсти, которых нашли с мордами, выпачканными пеной, были отравлены неизвестным, ночью проникшим на территорию дома. Мать Кирсти также жаловалась на тревожные звонки – неизвестный сказал ей по телефону, что наблюдает за ее шестью детьми. «Я боюсь за них, я не пускаю детей в школу, они даже больше не ходят гулять в парк», – сказала Сильвия корреспонденту южно-африканскойThe National Age.
После гибели собак, произведшей на нее сильное впечатление, Сильвия попросила священника переосвятить дом. Теперь, говорит она, ей стало намного спокойней. Еще она сказала, что пытается быть сильной, хотя на отпевании, окруженная своими шестью детьми, женщина плакала навзрыд.
Теперь вся семья будет ждать, когда свершится правосудие, говорит Сильвия, и пятеро молодых людей, с некоторыми из которых ее дочь была хорошо знакома, получат все, что предписывает закон.
11 ноября 2011 года
Подробности о жертвоприношении:
Satanic ritual accused quoted Revelationshttp://m.news24.com/news24/SouthAfrica/News/Satanic-ritual-accused-quoted-Revelations-20111116
2011-11-16 22:40
Johannesburg - The bail bid of two of the five young men accused of setting alight two girls in a suspected Satanic ritual was postponed in the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court on Wednesday.
"The prosecution still has to address the court," Magistrate Lucas van der Schyff said, postponing the matter to Thursday.
Lester Moody and Jeremy King, both 18, were the only two applying for bail on Wednesday.
The application of the other three - Lindon Wagner, 21, Robin Harwood, 18, and Harvey Isha, 23 - was postponed to November 18.
Wagner and Harwood requested a psychological evaluation and Isha was not ready to apply for bail.
All five would be held at the Johannesburg prison until their next appearance.
Doused with petrol
Kirsty Theologo and her 14-year-old friend were allegedly doused with petrol and set alight on a koppie behind the Linmeyer swimming pool in Julius Street on Friday night, October 21.
The charges against the five youths were changed to murder and attempted murder after 18-year-old Kirsty died in hospital three weeks ago.
She had been in a coma at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital with 75% burns to her upper body, Warrant Officer Lorraine van Emmerik said.
Rod Montano, for the defence, said the State did not present evidence that his clients had prior knowledge of the attack. They should therefore be granted bail.
Investigating Officer Warrant Officer Joseph Yende contended that the two men should not get bail due to an expected public outcry.
During his testimony, Yende said Harvey stopped at a nearby petrol station on the way and filled a juice bottle with petrol.
The group drank vodka and everyone, except Kirsty's 14-year-old friend, smoked dagga.
Wagner allegedly picked up a brick and drew a shape resembling a triangle on the ground. Candles were lit and Moody, King, Wagner, Harwood and the 16-year-old girl prayed.
Yende said it was not clear why they were praying.
King then allegedly throttled Theologo and Moody tied her hands up. Moody then throttled Theologo's friend until she fainted.
Wagner hit Theologo on the head with a brick between four and five times to stop her from struggling, Yende said.
Wagner then doused Theologo with petrol and set her alight. Whether her friend was also set alight or caught fire when she tried to put out the flames on Theologo was unclear.
By that time, the six other youths had left the scene.
Yende told Van der Schyff the two girls were victims of a religious sacrifice.
He said King had told him that Theologo suggested she should be sacrificed at a party three weeks prior to the attack.
A family friend of Theologo, Bernadette Lockhart, testified that the 16-year-old girl and Isha spoke to her at the hospital a week after the attack.
They allegedly confirmed the attack was related to Satanism.
She said Isha quoted Revelations 17 verse 16 to her: "The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
After the attack, the two girls walked back to Theologo's house, 2km away, for help.
"[The other girl] got tired about two blocks away so Kirsty carried her on her back," Lockhart said.
No eye contact
Moody and King stared at the floor and never made eye contact during Lockhart's testimony.
The 14-year-old girl was now undergoing skin grafts and scraping to try and minimise the damage done when she was burnt.
Wagner, Harwood, Moody and King appeared for the first time on October 25 after handing themselves over to police.
Isha was added to the list of accused after his arrest a few days later.
A sixth accused, a 16-year-old girl, was due to appear in a separate court within the next two weeks as she is a minor. She was arrested on the same day as Isha.
A preliminary inquiry into her involvement was underway and the charges against her would be determined later, the court heard.
The trial would eventually be move to the South Gauteng High Court.
Из последних новостей:
Girl, 15, charged in satanic rite murderhttp://www.iol.co.za/news/crime-courts/girl-15-charged-in-satanic-rite-murder-1.1185434?ot=inmsa.ArticlePrintPageLayout.ot
November 24 2011 at 09:22am
The youngest of a group of six allegedly responsible for the satanic ritual that claimed Kirsty Theologo’s life was charged with her murder on Wednesday.
The 15-year-old girl stood alongside her five co-accused for the first time since their arrests last month, teary-eyed and nervous before she was called to the dock.
She was charged with murder and the attempted murder of two teenage girls. Her tidy appearance and large eyes belied the fact that she is accused of luring the girls into the hills, where they were tied up, beaten and burnt.
The 15-year-old and Lindon Wagner, 21, Lester Moody, 18, Jeremy King, 18, Harvey Isha, 23, and Robin Harwood, 18, were told they would have to wait until January for the case to be transferred to the high court. Further forensic investigation is required.
The group are then said to have drawn a pentagram on the ground, lit candles and read from a Bible.
The 15-year-old accused’s palm was cut as part of the ritual and her blood was smeared onto the Bible. The two bound girls were doused in petrol and set alight, while the others fled.
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