By METRO REPORTER - 4th October, 2011
Missouri sex offender covers up with tattoos between arrests
A convicted sex offender arrested in Missouri has undergone a remarkable transformation between mugshots, as these photos prove.
Michael Campbell, 36, who has been in and out of prison since the 90s, sported just a few tattoos, including one of a pitbull on his neck, when he was arrested in Jefferson County in 2003 for theft.
However following a second arrest in 2008 in Jefferson County he sported a face full of markings - topped off by a demonic-looking pentangle symbol on his forehead.
He also has the markings of a skeleton on his nose, although the creepy facial etchings were juxtaposed by a tattoo of a spotted bow tie adorning his neck.
And according to the Missouri sex offender's registry much of his body, including his abdomen, back and arms, is also covered with tattoos.
Campbell, who is originally from Colorado, has a string of convictions dating back as far as 1995 when, aged 20, he was convicted of attempting to sexually assault a 14-year-old girl.
He was arrested once again on Sunday for going within 500ft of a playground or public pool, but was later released.
Две расположенных ниже пары фотопортретов принадлежат одному и тому же человеку - Майклу Кэмпбеллу, и сделаны, соответственно, при арестах в 2003 и 2008 г. В октябре 2011 г. Кэмпбелл, едва ли неприметный из-за двух пентаграмм, набитых на лице, был арестован в очередной раз - теперь уже за приближение на запретную дистанцию к детской площадке или общественному бассейну. Кэмпбелл - зарегистрированный преступник в сексуальной сфере, впервые осужденный в 1990 г. за покушение на изнасилование 14-летней "малютки", в связи с чем ему предписано держаться на значительном расстоянии от детишек.

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