19.09.2011, 11:01:28http://lenta.ru/news/2011/09/19/pastor/
Во флоридской церкви стреляли в пасторов
Преступник ранил двух пасторов в церкви города Лейкленд (Lakeland) во Флориде. Об этом сообщает CNN.
Инцидент произошел в воскресенье, 17 сентября, когда в церкви проходило молитвенное собрание между утренними службами. Преступник встал у входа в здание и открыл огонь по священникам. Полиция установила личность нападавшего - это 57-летний Джеремия Фогель (Jeremiah Fogel).
Пастор Уильям Босс (William Boss) был ранен в голову, после этого преступник трижды выстрелил в помощника пастора Карла Стюарта (Carl Stewart). Прихожанам удалось обезоружить и задержать Фогеля. Босс и Стюарт, получившие серьезные ранения, были госпитализированы.
Как сообщает Associated Press, по данным полиции, перед тем, как прийти в церковь, Фогель застрелил свою жену. Мотивы преступника пока неизвестны.
О личности стрелка и возможных мотивах:
Lakeland, Florida -- Investigators say the suspected gunman in Sunday's church shooting in Lakeland may have been holding a grudge against church leaders that dated back several years.http://www.wtsp.com/news/article/211338/250/Accused-church-shooter-had-killed-previous-spouse
Even more shocking, records show this is not the first time Jeremiah Fogle has been charged with murder. Fogle, 57, is accused of murdering his wife before walking down the block from their home Sunday and opening fire at the church.
Appearing in court Monday, and charged with murder and attempted murder, was likely familiar to Fogle. Records show in 1986 he was arrested for murdering his previous wife in Highlands County. But the charge was reduced to manslaughter, and Fogle was sentenced to 10 years probation.
"Which means he could have marched right out of the courtroom and bought himself another 30-30 rifle or any other gun that he wanted," said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.
Sheriff Judd says Fogle murdered his second wife, Theresa, whom he'd married in 2002 leaving her bloodied body and open bible inside their home. He then went to the Greater Faith Christian Church where witnesses say he shot Pastor William Boss as he was kneeling in prayer, and assistant minister Carl Stewart.
9-1-1 calls from the scene underscore the horrifying struggle inside a house of prayer.
"Somebody's shooting in the church!" yelled one caller.
"He's alive, but we need an ambulance right away," said another. "They got him. They got him. But they need the police right away."
Investigators who questioned Fogle say they found several notes at his home that suggested Fogle suspected his wife of infidelity. When asked if he felt remorse for the shootings at the church, the arrest affidavit quotes Fogle as first saying "There weren't that many people there." Then later he said, "Tell them I'm sorry. You have my word."
Investigators say he later stated he loved his wife and then stopped talking.
Sheriff Judd also credited two men, Derrick Foster and Corey Reed, with subduing Fogle until police arrived.
Judd said Fogle was a deacon at the same church about six years ago, but was asked to step down from that post after several female members accused him of inappropriately hugging or touching them.
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