Младший из двоих обвиняемых в убийстве признан виновным и приговорен к 25 годам тюрьмы:
Teen To Serve 25 Years in "Thrill Kill"http://www.wdio.com/article/stories/s1930482.shtml
osted at: 01/18/2011 2:52 PM | Updated at: 01/18/2011 6:43 PM
HAYWARD - A teenager who admitted to taking part in what authorities termed a "thrill kill with satanic overtones" will serve 25 years in prison.
A judge handed down the sentence Tuesday to Austin R. Davis, 16, who pleaded guilty to second-degree intentional homicide as part of a plea agreement. The 25-year sentence is higher than the 8 years called for in the plea agreement. The judge said he felt the gravity of the crime warranted a higher sentence.
Davis apologized to the victim's family in court, and said he never intended to hurt Irena Roszak.
Her daughter, Krista Muellner, said she's relieved the sentence was higher. "I haven't slept in one year and nine months. It's been very emotional. Now we can get some closure."
Muellner and one of Roszak's granddaughters read statements in court.
Supporters on both sides shed tears as the sentencing hearing drew to a close.
Davis will be on extended supervision for 15 years after his prison time.
Prosecutors alleged Davis and Christopher Roalson, 28, killed 93-year-old Irena Roszak in her Radisson, Wis. home in May 2009.
The two had met just a day before hand. Roalson allegedly wanted to kill a different couple, but got scared off, and the two headed to Roszak's home instead.
Roalson is scheduled to go on trial next month on charges of first-degree intentional homicide and burglary.
Итак, в чем же "сатанинский оттенок" и кто же старший из "убийц", суд над которым еще идет?
Meier says Roalson described himself as a ‘son of Satan'. He also says after the murder, Roalson went back to his own home and turned a crucifix upside-down. Meier says Roalson did that to signify that 'Satan is nowhttp://www.weau.com/home/headlines/44482242.htmlthe king.'
Court records show Roalson was convicted in 2005 for possession of marijuana and retail theft. In 2007, he was charged with one count of theft and 5 counts of issuing worthless checks. Records show arrest warrants were issued for all the 2007 charges.
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cant nothin hold us back, as strong as we are (y.k.w.y.a) babylon, Iraq Last Login: 5/7/2009 my name is chris roalson. the whole purpose of this page is to invite others on a whirlwind of an experiance to challenge themselves and the religious political social structures that seek to enslave our souls through herd conformity of their system of rights and wrongs rules and laws. behold, for i send you out as WOLVES amongst the SHEEP!См. также:
Trial Venue May Change for Radisson, WI Murder Suspect
Radisson "Thrill Kill" Victim's Daughter Starts 2nd Trial Watch
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