Американские сатанисты арендовали для своих ритуалов общественный центрhttp://www.islamnews.ru/news-26375.html
Городские власти говорят, что не могут проявлять дискриминацию по отношению к отдельным группам
01.09.2010 года
Власти американского города Оклахома-Сити подтвердили, что местный административно-общественный центр арендован группой людей, объявивших себя сатанистами.
«Церковь 4-х высочеств» разместила на сайте meetup.com объявление о сатанинском ритуале, проведение которого намечено на 21 октября. «Это церковь для каждого сатаниста (современного и традиционного) и всех заинтересованных в сатанизме. Приглашаются все приверженцы «Левого пути», - пишут организаторы «мероприятия».
«Вследствие природы нашей религии и отношения к ней стада, этот сайт останется частным, чтобы защитить наших членов, - продолжают они. - На сегодняшний день это церковь для всех тварей Левого пути. Так что добро пожаловать ведьмы и колдуны, откликнитесь на призыв Темноты».
Похоже на плод буйной фантазии любителей жанра «фэнтази», однако на телеканале «Eyewitness News 5» восприняли дело всерьез и позвонили в городскую администрацию, где им ответили, что подобное мероприятие действительно значится в планах административно-общественного центра.
Представитель городского совета по паркам и зонам отдыха Дженифер Макклинток заявила, что они не могут проявлять дискриминацию по отношению к группам граждан, добавив, что пока данная группа не нарушает постановлений городских властей, нет причин отказывать им в аренде помещения, сообщает «koco.com».
Satanist Church Rents Out Oklahoma City Civic Center for ExorcismИзложение позиции "гуру", четко втискивающее его в ожидаемую нишу:
Leader James Hale Says He Wants Ritual to Be Educational for the Public
Sept. 1, 2010
The leader of an Satanic church firmly planted in the Bible Belt has raised eyebrows by renting a theater in the Oklahoma City Civic Center for a ritual exorcism of God.
The Church of the IV Majesties is inviting members and the public to view the ritual, in hopes of erasing a lot of the unfounded fears many have about Satanism.
"We don't kill animals, we don't kill children," James Hale, the church's Lord High Master, told ABCNews.com.
"We just decided that being right here in the middle of the Bible Belt, it wasn't a good idea to keep the secrecy you see in the traditional Satanist churches," he said. "Because secrecy breeds fear. And we're not looking to scare anyone."
Citing concerns for privacy and safety, Hale declined to say how many members the church has besides the seven members who are named on the church's state listing as a tax exempt religious organization, a designation they were awarded this spring.
Those seven members will take the stage Oct. 21 for the ritual, which Hale described as an exorcism to extract the gods of what he called the "right handed path" or traditional religions, such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
"It's a parody of the Catholic rite of exorcism. It's just a blasphemy ritual," Hale said.
Hale, who co-wrote the exorcism and has attended similar private ceremonies, said he's welcoming of anyone who wants to watch, as long as they aren't there to stir up trouble based on their own misconceptions.http://abcnews.go.com/US/satanist-church-rents-oklahoma-civic-center-exorcism-ritual/story?id=11524098&page=2 (по ссылке видео)
"We get a lot of sacrifice garbage," he said of the public's perception. "Satanism is not, does not and has not involved sacrifice."
Hale, the son of an all-faith Christian minister, has been a practicing Satanist for more than 30 years. Though there are varying threads in Satansim, including some who believe in spirits, all modern Satanists believe in one god -- themselves, he said.
"Satanism is pretty much your own god. I am my own god," Hale said. "We don't worship anyone but ourselves."
(еще одна заметка с видео)
В октябре состоялся обещанный "ритуал богохульства/изгнания бога", сопровождавшийся демонстрацией христиан снаружи
Published: October 22, 2010"Ритуал", по всей очевидности, представлял собой особо диетический вариант лавеевской "Черной Мессы":
Satanists host public event at Civic Center as Christian groups pray outside the building
A Satanist organization held its much-talked-about public event at the Civic Center Music Hall on Thursday as a crowd of Christians from various faith communities prayed outside the building.
About 45 people attended the Church of the IV Crown Princes' "satanic exorcism."
Oklahoma City police Lt. Stuart May said he estimated that 75 to 80 people gathered outside the building.
The crowd outside came from diverse faith communities, including Roman Catholic, Baptist and full gospel. Several Christians said they came from other states such as Kansas, Texas and Arkansas to pray for the souls of those attending the Satanists' event and for Oklahoma City as a whole. One man played the bagpipes. Some held signs: "Honk if you love Jesus!" and "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle."
James Hale, one of the leaders of the Church of the IV Crown Princes, said the group sold about 70 tickets to the event. The tickets were sold for $15 apiece. Hale said he was pleased with the turnout, but he thought other ticket-holders didn't show up because of the crowd outside the building.
"I think some got deterred by the protesters," he said.
Civic Center officials allowed ticket holders to enter the building's north entrance about 7 p.m. Thursday. Police kept anyone without a ticket to the event on the east side of the building.
heavy-metal band performed for about 45 minutes in the Civic Center's CitySpace area where the event was held. When the band finished, Hale and a handful of other people went to the center of the stage area and surrounded a large table. Hale told the audience that they would witness a ritual "blasphemy" taken from the Roman Catholic rite of exorcism.А теперь главный фэйл всего события:
He told the crowd that their parents probably gave them information about religion when they were younger, "but it's good to get rid of that old garbage that they pumped into you."
Hale told the audience that they were about to be part of a participatory ritual and warned Christians who may have been attending for educational purposes that they would need to be careful during a certain segment invoking Satan because it was unforgivable to do so according to Christian beliefs.
The lights were lowered, and a spotlight shone on the table.
The scent of incense filled the room and a soundtrack featuring cymbals and heavy-metal music played softly as people in the audience looked on intently.
A woman laid on the table, and Hale and six other Church of the IV Crown Princes members, some garbed in black robes, gathered around her and invoked the name of Satan and demons to exorcise Christianity and religion out of her.
"Depart forth in fear from this soul who seeks enlightenment from Hell's power," Hale said.
As one member of the group chanted "Come out Yahweh! Come out Jesus Christ! ... Come out, oh foul holy spook!," other members said "Satan compels you!"
At the end of the ritual, a gong on the table was sounded, and the woman lying on the table sat up, smiled and shouted "Hail Satan!"
An audience member asked during a brief question-and-answer session if the woman was a convert to Satanism.http://newsok.com/satanists-host-public-event-at-civic-center-as-christian-groups-pray-outside-the-building/article/3506906#ixzz136NqDnK4
Hale said that she was not and that the ritual was simply blasphemy.
(страница-оригинал на настоящий момент доступна только за плату, текст восстановлен по копии на христианском форуме)
Таким образом, местечковой "Церкви" даже не удалось заполучить в свои адепты сколько-нибудь привлекательную бабу , дабы она послужила "алтарем" на запланированном мероприятии, а "гуру" хватило или глупости, или беспомощности, чтобы в этом признаться.
Отметим, что и собственно "лавеевская" Черная Месса, как известно, была по-настоящему проведена "папой"&co в "Черном Доме" едва ли не всего один раз - на камеру для документалки 1970 г. "Satanis". И там, однако, роль "алтаря" исполняет отнюдь не привлекательная для широкой публики самка, а сильно перезрелая "красавица" на очень специфический вкус.
Похоже, дела у оклахомцев идут не очень: с октября о них ничего не слышно, на сайте, указанном в одной из цитированных заметок - пустая болванка.
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