ולא קם נביא עוד בישראל כמשה אשר ידעו יהוה פנים אל פנים
לכל האתת והמופתים אשר שלחו יהוה לעשות בארץ מצרים לפרעה ולכל עבדיו ולכל ארצו
ולכל היד החזקה ולכל המורא הגדול אשר עשה משה לעיני כל ישראל
לכל האתת והמופתים אשר שלחו יהוה לעשות בארץ מצרים לפרעה ולכל עבדיו ולכל ארצו
ולכל היד החזקה ולכל המורא הגדול אשר עשה משה לעיני כל ישראל
דברים לד
И не возник еще в Израиле пророк, подобный Моисею,
которого знал Яхве лицом к лицу,
по всем знамениям и чудесам,
которые Яхве послал его делать в земле Египта -
для фараона, для рабов его и для всей земли его;
и по руке сильной и по великому ужасу,
который сотворил Моисей в глазах всего Израиля.
Деварим 34
которого знал Яхве лицом к лицу,
по всем знамениям и чудесам,
которые Яхве послал его делать в земле Египта -
для фараона, для рабов его и для всей земли его;
и по руке сильной и по великому ужасу,
который сотворил Моисей в глазах всего Израиля.
Деварим 34
Inmate suspected in cult leader's death: RCMPhttp://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/story/2011/02/28/nb-roch-theriault-homicide-investigation-549.html
Warning: This story contains graphic details
Posted: Feb 28, 2011 9:00 AM AT
Last Updated: Feb 28, 2011 10:32 AM AT
The New Brunswick RCMP say an inmate at a medium-security prison is under investigation after a former cult leader was found dead in his cell on Saturday morning.
Dorchester Penitentiary, which is southeast of Moncton and holds roughly 440 inmates, was locked down on Sunday and a 59-year-old inmate was being investigated in the death of Roch Thériault, 63.
The RCMP say the inmate who is believed to be involved in Thériault's death has not been charged.
Thériault, who was also known as Moses, was serving a life sentence for murder and other violent crimes in the 1980s.
Вот один из кратких рассказов о его Проповеди и Наставлениях Силой Чудес, о которых известно из всем доступных источников:
Roch "Moïse" Thériault (May 16, 1947 – February 26, 2011) was the leader of a small religious group based near Burnt River, Ontario, Canada. Between 1977 and 1989 he held sway over as many as 12 adults and 22 children, he had 26 children when he passed, fathering the other 4 during visits in prison from some of the "wives". He used all of the nine women as concubines, and may have fathered most of the children in the group.[1]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Theriault
He was arrested for assault in 1989, and convicted of murder in 1993. At the time of his death in 2011 he was continuing to serve out a life sentence, having been denied parole in 2002. Along with Clifford Olsen and Paul Bernardo, Thériault was considered one of Canada's most notorious criminals.[2]
During his reign, Thériault mutilated several members. He once used a meat cleaver to chop off the hand and part of the arm of Gabrielle Lavallée, one of his concubines, also removing eight of her teeth. He was accused of castrating a 2-year-old boy, as well as at least one adult male, and of murdering his legal spouse, Solange Boilard, by disembowelment, purportedly while trying to perform surgery on her, in 1988.[3][4]
The group was based primarily on religious themes, such as womens' obedience to men, polygamy, harsh punishments, the righteousness of the leader and the sinfulness of the followers, and living miracles. Thériault was called "father (papy)" and re-christened all members with biblical names. He also claimed to be a reincarnation of the prophet Moses, and demanded the respect appropriate for such a figure. He allegedly tried to resurrect a woman he had killed by sawing the top off her corpse's skull and masturbating into the cavity.[1]
Thériault was able to persuade his followers to sell their belongings, sever ties with their families, and move to a commune near Burnt River, about 100 km northeast of Toronto. Thériault convinced the women that all of them were his wives, and that they should bear him children. Even while he was in prison, three of his wives continued conjugal visits and two of the three bore him more children.
При одном из самых выдающихся Чудодействий - когда Терьо отправил одну из своих жен в Мир Иной путем вспарывания ей брюха - присутствовали его сыновья, столь похожие лицом на отца. Теперь эти люди проявляют самое низкое малодушие и черную неблагодарность, отрекаясь от Пророка и обещая не ходить путями его. Постигнет ли их за это жестокая кара, или в них вопреки их тяжким грехам будет вложено новое сердце и новый дух? То нам сейчас неведомо...
Killed cult leader's sons speak outhttp://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2011/03/12/17593816.html#/news/canada/2011/03/12/pf-17593816.html
By QMI Agency
Last Updated: March 12, 2011 7:58pm
MONTREAL -- Francois Theriault, son of former cult leader, Roch "Moses" Theriault, said he wasn't surprised when he heard his father was found dead in his jail cell earlier this year.
"We knew that it was going to happen one day or another," he said, adding that what did surprise him was that his father hadn't been killed earlier.
It began in 1980, when the young boys joined their father's commune in Quebec.
Almost immediately the boys were subjected to their father's violent, drunken and sexual acts.
"I was so scared of him when I was small," said Francois, "He would say my name and I would tremble like a leaf."
When their father drank, his sons knew he would pay them a "visit."
And they weren't the only ones in the commune Theriault would visit when drunk. François and Roch-Sylvain remember the disembowelling of Solange Boilard.
"He was a shark," said Francois, "he needed to see blood."
In spite of their childhood, the two men took back control of their lives. In 2009, they published a book about their experience. They said that talking publicly about their father frees them from the horrors they lived through.
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