Satanic ritual lawsuit thrown out
Published: April 7, 2011 at 2:11 PM
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 7 (UPI) -- The Ohio Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal by a woman who says she was a victim of satanic ritual abuse by a Catholic priest.
A lawyer for the woman, identified only as Survivor Doe, said the court's unanimous decision means the end of her lawsuit, The Toledo Blade reported. One justice abstained because she served on a committee that drafted policies on sexual abuse in 1995 for the Roman Catholic diocese of Toledo.
A lower court judge had dismissed the case because the suit was filed after the statute of limitations expired.
Survivor Doe, 47, said she was subjected to abuse by people dressed as nuns. Her alleged tormentors included her mother, an older brother, Gerald Mazuchowski, a Toledo teacher and active Catholic who died in March, and the Rev. Gerald Robinson, who was convicted in 2005 of killing a nun in 1980.
"I'm disappointed in the way the law treats victims, but I'm not really upset that they turned it down. I'll get my day in court -- when I stand before God," Doe told the Blade.
In her lawsuit, Doe said she repressed all memory of the abuse until she saw Robinson on television following his arrest.
Repressed memory accusations, usually involving childhood sexual abuse, were common in the 1980s and 1990s. The concept is a controversial one.
Robinson was convicted in 2006 of stabbing Sister Margaret Ann Pahl in 1980 in the chapel of Toledo Mercy Hospital. He was the chaplain at the time.
История католического священника Джеральда Робинсона, осужденного за убийство монахини, сопровождавшееся видимыми элементами сатанинского ритуала или богохульства - отдельная песня (при том, что и до этого увязанная с темой SRA). Интересующиеся могут начать хотя бы отсюда.
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